Locations and IP address ranges of CloudFront edge servers - Amazon CloudFront

Locations and IP address ranges of CloudFront edge servers

For a list of the locations of CloudFront edge servers, see the Amazon CloudFront Global Edge Network page.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) publishes its current IP address ranges in JSON format. To view the current ranges, download ip-ranges.json. For more information, see AWS IP address ranges in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.

To find the IP address ranges that are associated with CloudFront edge servers, search ip-ranges.json for the following string:

"region": "GLOBAL", "service": "CLOUDFRONT"

Alternatively, you can view only the CloudFront IP ranges at https://d7uri8nf7uskq.cloudfront.net/tools/list-cloudfront-ips.

Use the CloudFront managed prefix list

The CloudFront managed prefix list contains the IP address ranges of all of CloudFront's globally distributed origin-facing servers. If your origin is hosted on AWS and protected by an Amazon VPC security group, you can use the CloudFront managed prefix list to allow inbound traffic to your origin only from CloudFront's origin-facing servers, preventing any non-CloudFront traffic from reaching your origin. CloudFront maintains the managed prefix list so it's always up to date with the IP addresses of all of CloudFront's global origin-facing servers. With the CloudFront managed prefix list, you don't need to read or maintain a list of IP address ranges yourself.

For example, imagine that your origin is an Amazon EC2 instance in the Europe (London) Region (eu-west-2). If the instance is in a VPC, you can create a security group rule that allows inbound HTTPS access from the CloudFront managed prefix list. This allows all of CloudFront's global origin-facing servers to reach the instance. If you remove all other inbound rules from the security group, you prevent any non-CloudFront traffic from reaching the instance.

The CloudFront managed prefix list is named com.amazonaws.global.cloudfront.origin-facing. For more information, see Use an AWS-managed prefix list in the Amazon VPC User Guide.


The CloudFront managed prefix list is unique in how it applies to Amazon VPC quotas. For more information, see AWS-managed prefix list weight in the Amazon VPC User Guide.